How To Boost Blog Traffic

Have you noticed how most blogs give

away a free eBook, report or white paper

to new subscribers? That’s because

giving something away increases your

blog traffic by encouraging people to

subscribe and become loyal readers.

It also makes people want to tell their

friends and online networks about your

blog because it has something valuable

to offer.

If you haven’t developed a free product

you can give new subscribers you need

to put that at the top of your list but it’s

not the only way to increase your blog


This post was inspired by a new website

called Personal Development Free. It was

set up by Dirk de Bruin (his friends call

him Diggy) to help him, and other

personal development bloggers,

showcase their free products and build

their subscribers faster.

Diggy’s idea and the site he’s created

perfectly embody the blogging tips I’m

sharing below so I hope you’ll check out

Personal Development Free, grab a few

freebies that take your fancy and find

some more interesting bloggers.

1. Band together with

other bloggers

Blogging is much easier with a team of

supporters. A blogging buddy is essential

to keep you motivated and on track but a

team of other bloggers are even more

powerful to help you spread the word

further and faster.

Form a Google Group or create an invite

only Facebook page, ask other bloggers

to join you then see who actively

engages and is a genuine team player.

2. Be innovative

Think of new ways to help people spread

the word.

While there are plenty of tried and tested

ways to increase your blog traffic like

guest posting, there are still many new

ways that no one has ever tried before

and even some old ways like simply

asking people to share your posts that

can be improved on.

3. Widen your blogging


In life and in social media there comes a

time when you want to stop meeting new

people. Sometimes we all think we

already have enough friends, more than

we can keep track of and stay in contact

with so what’s the point in having any


Forget that because some friends will

come on the radar then disappear, others

will sneak up on you from nowhere and

be the ones that stick around for years to

come. But you’ll never know who’s who

unless you open your mind to possibility

and make yourself available to everyone

to begin with.

So open your mind and heart to meeting

more people and never stop widening

your network. The wider your circle the

more potential readers you can reach.

4. Broaden your


People get very caught up in their

blogging niche but life isn’t just about

travel or fishing or fashion.

Of course, you’ll naturally want to spend

time with other bloggers in your niche

but make sure you broaden your

perspective and find time for bloggers

and blogs outside your niche.

No one is focused on one topic all the

time so readers who like travel may also

have an interest in fishing and/or


5. Invest in your blog

You have to spend money on your blog.

At least on a domain name and a decent

logo and preferably on a unique blog


The more you invest in your blog the

more you should get out of it although

don’t invest too much to begin with until

you’re really sure of your topic and your

goals. For a new business $3,000 should

be enough to help you set up a good blog

which will stand the test of time and

offer a good return on your investment.

6. Go the extra mile

Every overnight success, every well-

known business person, writer or blogger

has put in hundreds of hours of work to

attain that success. You’ll have to too

because if you’re not ready to go the

extra mile someone else will.

7. Throw in some free


If you haven’t already developed a free

product you can give away to your

readers now’s the time. It doesn’t need

to be big, new or costly. You can create

a simple eBook based on some of your

most popular posts or a short email

course with the information your readers

need most.

If you need ideas or motivation to get

you moving head over to Personal

Development Free and check out the

fantastic free products. I hope you’re as

inspired by Diggy’s attitude to blogging,

business and life as much as I am.

One Comment Add yours

  1. Ikenna says:

    nice post sha. hope it works


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